• Acknowledgenements
  • Foreword
  • Executive Summary
  • 1. eHealth - an enabler for better health across Europe?
  • 2. Approach and methodology of economic assessment
  • 2.1 Overview
  • 2.2 Sites for developing and validating the methodology
  • 2.3 Outlook
  • 3. Summary of findings from the ten case studies
  • 3.1 Economic impact
  • 3.2 Economic impact on a virtual health economy
  • 3.3 Benefits to the quality and performance of healthcare
  • 4. The potential of eHealth – facing the challenges of modern healthcare
  • 5. Success factors and lessons learned
  • 5.1 Process change and benefit realisation
  • 5.2 The importance of multi-disciplinary teams
  • 5.3 eHealth dynamic
  • 5.4 Meeting concrete needs
  • 5.5 Project and change management
  • 5.6 Transferability of applications
  • 6. Policy recommendations
  • 7. The ten eHealth IMPACT evaluation sites
  • 7.1 AOK Rheinland, Germany – GesundheitsCard Europa (GCE), access to healthcare abroad D/NL/B
  • 7.2 Apoteket and Stockholm County Council, Sweden – eRecept, anePrescribing application
  • 7.3 City of Bucharest Ambulance Service, Romania – DISPEC tele triage and dispatch system
  • 7.4 Institut Curie, Paris, France – Elios, a comprehensive EPR system, and Prométhée, a sophisticated search meta-engine
  • 7.5 IZIP, Czech Republic – a nationwide web based electronic health record
  • 7.6 Kind en Gezin, Flanders, Belgium – Flemish vaccination database (FVD)and Vaccinnet, facilitating vaccination programmes for children
  • 7.7 MedCom, Denmark – Danish Health Data Network
  • 7.8 MedicalORDER®center Ahlen (MOC) and St. Franziskus Hospial Münster – supply chain optimisation, Germany
  • 7.9 NHS Direct, UK – NHS Direct Online (NHSDO) information service
  • 7.10 Sollefteå and Borås hospitals; Sjunet, Sweden – radiology consultations between Sweden and Spain
  • References
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10005867072