Evaluation of the European Research Area (ERA) : Governance aspects
The European Research Area (ERA) is emerging as a powerful political driver for changes in research and innovation policies. Several ERA-driven initiatives were approved and implemented but their success depends on their governance structures. This Study analyzes the governance issues of the ERA initiatives created under articles 169 and 171 of the EU Treaty and other new ERA approaches. After defining a general framework for ERA governance and the description of individual initiatives, the Study proposes a set of recommendations for improving current situation.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | León Serrano, Gonzalo ; Piehl Harms, Andrea A. |
Institutions: | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (contributor) |
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Europäische Union / Europäisches Parlament |
Subject: | Führungsorganisation | Governance structure | Forschungspolitik | research policy |
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