• Executive Summary
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 Resume of Study Objectives and Scope
  • 1.2 Research Plan and Progress to Date
  • 1.3 Structure of the Final Report
  • 2. EMCDDA Mission & Coherence with Drugs Policy Framework
  • 2.1 Role of the EMCDDA
  • 2.2 EMCDDA Intervention Logic & 2007-12 Work Programmes
  • 2.3 Coherence with Regulatory Framework and EU Policies
  • 2.4 Coherence with EMCDDA Stakeholder Priorities
  • 2.5 Conclusions - Mission and Coherence
  • 3. Assessment of EMCDDA Outputs & Activities
  • 3.1 Overall Progress towards EMCDDA Objectives
  • 3.2 Demand side and Key Epidemiological Indicators
  • 3.3 Supply Side of the Drug Problem
  • 3.4 New Psychoactive Substances and the Early Warning System
  • 3.5 EMCDDA and Health and Social Responses
  • 3.6 EMCDDA and National Policies to Combat the Drugs Problem
  • 3.7 Scientific Publications and other Outputs
  • 3.8 2007 Evaluation and follow Up Actions
  • 3.9 Conclusions – EMCDDA Activities and Outputs
  • 4. Reaching Key Stakeholders and Target Groups
  • 4.1 EMCDDA Key Stakeholders
  • 4.2 Cooperation with International Partners & Third Countries
  • 4.3 EMCDDA Communications Strategy
  • 4.4 Effectiveness in Reaching Target Groups
  • 4.5 Conclusions – Key Stakeholders and Target Groups
  • 5. EMCDDA Organisation and Governance
  • 5.1 Overview - EMCDDA Organisation
  • 5.2 Role of the EMCDDA Statutory Bodies
  • 5.3 EMCDDA Units
  • 5.4 EMCDDA’s Human and Financial Resources
  • 5.5 Role of the REITOX Network
  • 5.6 Conclusions – EMCDDA Organisation and Governance
  • 6. Conclusions and Recommendations
  • 5.1 Overall Conclusions
  • 5.2 EMCDDA Activities and Outputs
  • 5.3 Reaching EMCDDA Target Groups
  • 5.4 EMCDDA Organisation and Governance
  • B. Assessment of EMCDDA Outputs
  • C. Assessment of EMCDDA Work Programmes
  • D. Comparison with Other EU Agencies
  • E. Analysis of Survey Data
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