Facility location models for distribution system design
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Drexl, Andreas ; Klose, Andreas |
Publisher: |
Kiel : Universität Kiel, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre |
Subject: | Vertriebsweg | Betriebliche Standortwahl | Ganzzahlige Optimierung | Theorie | Strategie planning | distribution system design | facility location | mixed-integer programming models |
Facility location models for distribution system design
Drexl, Andreas, (2001)
Improved algorithms for joint optimization of facility locations and network connections
Lai, Xiaofan, (2016)
An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem
Kießling, Miriam, (2021)
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Lower bounds for the capacitated facility location problem based on column generation
Klose, Andreas, (2001)
Combinatorial optimisation problems of the assignment type and a partitioning approach
Klose, Andreas, (2001)
Lower Bounds for the Capacitated Facility Location Problem Based on Column Generation
Klose, Andreas, (2005)
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