Final report on the European Climate Change Programme, working group industry, work item fluorinated gases : June 18, 2001
Alternative title: | + Annex 1-2, May 2001 |
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Harnisch, Jochen |
Other Persons: | Gluckman, Ray (contributor) |
Institutions: | Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Unternehmen und Industrie (contributor) |
Subject: | EU-Staaten | EU countries | FCKW | CFC (Chloro Fluoro Carbons) | Klimaveränderung | Climate change |
Indriani, Gustya, (2005)
Indriani, Gustya, (2005)
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Estimating Future Emissions and Potential Reductions of HFCs, PFCs, and SF6
Schaefer, Deborah Ottinger, (2006)
Koch, Matthias, (2003)
Trade and competitiveness with other regions
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