Type of publication: Journal
Type of publication (narrower categories): Statistik
Language: Turkish ; French
Anfangs beteil. Körp.: Türkiye Cümhuriyeti, Gümrük ve Inhisarlar Vekâleti, Gümrükler Umum Müdürlüǧü, Istatistik ve Tetkik Müdürlüǧü
Hauptsacht. 1933,Juli-Dez.: Haricî ticaret aylık istatistik
Parallelsacht. 1933,Juli-Dez.: Statistique mensuelle commerce extérieur de la Turquie
Other identifiers:
1053471-4 [ZDB]
ECONIS - Online Catalogue of the ZBW
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10000494667