Indian Business Demographics: Some Elementary Lessons for Managers
India has been experiencing a very rapid demographic transition in the recent times. This process is likely to gain further momentum in the coming years. The impact of demographic transition on various socioeconomic and cultural variables has been extensively debated by the researchers. However, the implication of demographic transition on business environment is one of the least debated areas of business research, particularly in the context of India. This paper addresses the pattern of demographic transition in India and the likely shift in the pattern of business activities in the context of age-structural transition. The findings suggest that there would be a paradigm shift in the demand for goods and services in the coming years. Therefore, the managers must be equipped with a sound understanding of the changing age-structure of their business locations for meeting the requirements of the market and successful business operations.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Retnakumar, J |
Published in: |
The IUP Journal of Managerial Economics. - IUP Publications. - Vol. VII.2009, 2, p. 7-17
Publisher: |
IUP Publications |
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