Individualism vs. collectivism: How inherited cultural values affect labor market outcomes of second generation immigrants in the US
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Höckel, Lisa Sofie |
Publisher: |
Essen : RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung |
Subject: | labor force participation | occupational choice | migration | cultural values |
Series: | Ruhr Economic Papers ; 669 |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Working Paper |
Language: | English |
ISBN: | 978-3-86788-776-2 |
Other identifiers: | 10.4419/86788776 [DOI] 878932445 [GVK] hdl:10419/149759 [Handle] RePEc:zbw:rwirep:669 [RePEc] |
Classification: | A13 - Relation of Economics to Social Values ; F22 - International Migration ; J14 - Economics of the Elderly ; J24 - Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity |
Source: |
Höckel, Lisa Sofie, (2017)
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Molnar, Margit, (2023)
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Brück, Tilman, (2018)
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