- Table of Contents
- List of Abbreviations
- Executive Summary
- Scope and Objectives of the Evaluation
- Key Findings, conclusions and recommendations
- 1) Programming and intervention logic
- 2) Administration and monitoring
- 3) Sectoral approach
- 4) Efficiency and effectiveness
- 5) Impact and sustainability
- Brief reminder of the background and context of IPA assistance to BiH
- Background
- European Union Assistance to BiH
- Section 1: The Strategic/ Interim IPA Assistance Evaluation
- ...
- Section 2. Programming and intervention logic (Question Grouping 1)
- ...
- Section 3: Overview mapping (Question Grouping 2)
- ...
- Section 4: Sector-based approach (Question grouping 3)
- ...
- Section 5: Programming Gaps, Weaknesses & Recommendations (Question Grouping 4)
- ...
- Section 6: Administrative & Monitoring Capacity (Question Grouping 5)
- ...
- Section 7: Efficiency &Effectiveness (Question Grouping 6)
- ...
- Section 8: Impact & Sustainability (Question Grouping 7)
- ...
- Section 9: Overall Conclusions
- ...
- Recommendations
- ...
- Annexes
- ...
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10011476759