- 1 Introduction
- 2 Brief Description of the Main Empirical Facts
- 2.1 The LaborMarket
- 2.2 Investment Flows and Capital Stocks
- 3 Model of a Small Economy Open to Factor Flows
- 3.1 Technology
- 3.2 IntroducingMigration
- 3.3 Preferences
- 4 Estimating Aggregate Elasticities of Substitution
- 4.1 EconometricModel
- 4.2 Estimation Procedure
- 5 Simulation of Wage Rates and of the Skill Premium
- 6 A Counterfactual Exercise: Measuring the Impact of International Factor Flows onWageRates
- 6.1 The Effects of Emigration
- 6.2 The Effects of Foreign Investment
- 6.3 Summary and Implications
- 7 Concluding Remarks and Directions for Further Research
- 8 Appendices
- 8.1 LaborMarket Data
- 8.2 Investment Data
- 8.3 National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) Data
- 8.4 Auxiliary Estimation Procedures
- 8.5 Sensitivity Analysis to the Definition of “Skill”
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