Modeling the U.S. Rooftop Photovoltaics Market
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Drury, E. ; Denholm, P. ; Margolis, R. |
Subject: | solar energy | energy conservation, consumption, and utilization | CARBON | FINANCING | MARKET | METERING | PRICES | SIMULATION | SOLAR ENERGY |
Solar Deployment System (SolarDS) Model: Documentation and Sample Results
Denholm, P., (2009)
Impact of Different Economic Performance Metrics on the Perceived Value of Solar Photovoltaics
Drury, E., (2011)
Load As A Reliability Resource in the Restructured Electricity Market
Kueck, J.D., (2008)
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Solar Deployment System (SolarDS) Model: Documentation and Sample Results
Denholm, P., (2009)
Impact of Different Economic Performance Metrics on the Perceived Value of Solar Photovoltaics
Drury, E., (2011)
Break-Even Cost for Residential Photovoltaics in the United States: Key Drivers and Sensitivities
Denholm, P., (2010)
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