Monetary and labor policies under market frictions
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Christian Merkl |
Subject: | Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Faculty of Business | Economics and Social Sciences | Monetary Policy | Price Staggering | Wage Staggering | Real Wage Rigidities | Disinflation | Non-Linearities | Labor Market Policy | Unemployment | East Germany | Wage Bargaining | Labor Turnover Costs | Unemployment Trap | Employment Subsidies |
Monetary and labor policies under market frictions
Merkl, Christian, (2007)
The globalization of labor markets and its policy implications
Frank Oskamp, (2010)
Incentive models of the labour market
Alessio J. G. Brown, (2009)
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Merkl, Christian, (2013)
Merkl, Christian, (2022)
Some surprising facts about working time accounts and the business cycle in Germany
Balleer, Almut, (2017)
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