New Coordination Mechanisms and Flexible Lateral Organisationwithin Transnational Corporations
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Reger, Guido ; Gerybadze, Alexander |
Publisher: |
Universität <Hohenheim> / Lehrstuhl für Internationales Management |
Subject: | Forschung und Entwicklung | Organisation | organisation | Innovation | Koordination |
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Trends in the Internationalisation of R&D and the Role of New Coordination Mechansisms
- 3. Coordination Mechanismus for R&D and Innovation4. Case Studies of Coordination Mechansisms in Selected Transnational Corporations
- 5. Conclusions and Implications
Handbuch Innovationsforschung : sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
Blättel-Mink, Birgit, (2021)
Zündorf, Lutz, (1982)
Zündorf, Lutz, (1982)
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Globalisation of R&D: Recent Changes in the Management of Innovation in Transnational Corporations
Gerybadze, Alexander, (1997)
Gerybadze, Alexander, (1997)
Globalization of R&D: recent changes in the management of innovation in transnational corporations
Gerybadze, Alexander, (1999)
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