Ownership concentration and its impact on transparency and disclosures of listed firms in BSE
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula ; Rastogi, Shailesh |
Published in: |
Finance India : the quarterly journal of Indian Institute of Finance. - Greater Noida, UP : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], ISSN 0970-3772, ZDB-ID 1130817-5. - Vol. 36.2022, 4, p. 1339-1360
Subject: | transparency | Disclosures | non-financial firms | promoters | institutional investors | Retail investors | India | Unternehmenspublizität | Corporate disclosure | Indien | Institutioneller Investor | Institutional investor | Corporate Governance | Corporate governance | Eigentümerstruktur | Ownership structure | Transparenz | Transparency | Wirkungsanalyse | Impact assessment | Unternehmenserfolg | Firm performance | Auskunftspflicht | Disclosure regulation |
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