Phasing and Packaging of Pricing Reform - The MC-ICAM approach
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Verhoef, Erik ; Niskanen, Esko ; Proost, Stef ; Rouwendal, Jan |
Published in: | |
Publisher: |
Europäische Gemeinschaften / Kommission / Imprint Europe |
Subject: | Verkehr | Traffic | Grenzkostenpreis | Preisreform | Verkehrspolitik | Projekt | project | projekt, informationswissenschaft, Terminosaurus, Rex, Begriffe, Klassifizieren |
Reforming transport pricing: an economic perspective on equity, efficiency and acceptability
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Ein Wiki-basiertes Vorgehensmodell für BusinessIntelligence Projekte
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Legal and Institutional Framework for Marginal Cost Pricing in Urban Transport in Europe
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Operationalisation of Marginal Cost Pricing within Urban Transport
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