Pressure from the East European member states
Alternative title: | Druck aus den Osteuropäischen Mitgleidstaaten Tax Burdens, Locational Competition and Reform Requirements within the EU-25 |
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Hishow, Ognian N. |
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Publisher: |
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik |
Subject: | EU-Erweiterung | EU expansion | Niedriglohn | low wage | ökonomischer Wandel | economic change | Sozialwesen | social welfare | Steuerreform | tax reform |
Extent: | 45056 bytes 4 p. application/pdf |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Classification: | European Community budget and financial management ; Economic and social development ; Markets. Competition ; Individual Reports, Studies ; Europe. General Resources |
Source: |
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