Screening Ethics when Honest Agents Care about Fairness
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Alger, Ingela ; Renault, Regis |
Institutions: | Department of Economics, Boston College |
Subject: | ethics | honesty | adverse selection | screening |
Extent: | application/pdf |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Notes: | This paper was previously circulated as "Screening among Agents with Heterogeneous Ethics". The text is part of a series Boston College Working Papers in Economics Number 489 |
Classification: | D82 - Asymmetric and Private Information |
Source: |
Screening Ethics when Honest Agents Keep their Word
Alger, Ingela, (2003)
Screening Ethics when Honest Agents Keep their Word
Alger, Ingela, (2007)
Cohn, Alain, (2020)
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Screening Ethics when Honest Agents Keep their Word
Alger, Ingela, (2003)
A Theory of Fraud and Over-Consumption in Experts Markets
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Moral Hazard, Insurance, and Some Collusion
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