- Abbreviations
- Acknowledgements
- 1. Executive summary
- 1.1 Basic concepts and definitions
- 1.2 What is different in agriculture and rural development?
- 1.3 Policy and strategic frameworks
- 1.4 Sector budget and public finance management
- 1.5 Sector and donor coordination
- 1.6 Institutions and capacities
- 1.7 Performance monitoring and accountability
- 1.8 Conclusions
- 2. Introduction
- 2.1 Background
- 2.2 Purpose
- 2.3 Basis and context
- 3. Basic concepts and definitions
- 3.1 Sector approach and sector programme
- 3.2 The seven assessment areas
- 3.3 How wide is ‘sector-wide’?
- 3.4 Arrangements for fi nancial support to sector programmes
- 3.5 From projects to programmes
- 4. What’s different in agriculture and rural development?
- 4.1 Experiences in agriculture
- 4.2 Recent insights
- 4.3 Moving from an aid delivery to a sector development perspective
- 4.4 Adopting a political economy and an actor perspective in sector analysis
- 4.5 Integrating decentralisation
- 5. Policy and strategic frameworks
- 5.1 Sound macro and sector policy frameworks
- 5.2 A sector approach to policy alignment
- 5.3 Policy and legislative frameworks for private sector-led agricultural growth
- 5.4 Policy ingredients that enhance the pro-poor effects of agricultural growth
- 5.5 Clarity of roles as a minimum requirement
- 5.6 Taking account of winners and losers at the policy stage
- 5.7 Policy ownership and non-state actors
- 5.8 Key issues regarding policy and strategic frameworks
- 6. The sector budget and public fi nance management
- 6.1 A public sector budget that mirrors sector policy and government tasks
- 6.2 Aligning sector programmes to country structures
- 6.3 Linking sector budgets to medium-term expenditure frameworks
- 6.4 Assessing the macro-economy and public fi nance management
- 6.5 The importance of the revenue side in public fi nance management
- 6.6 Choosing the right financial support modalities
- 6.7 Balancing f
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