Sense of Control Affects Investment Behavior
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Li King King |
Institutions: | Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomik <Jena> / Abteilung Strategische Interaktion |
Subject: | Finanzierung | finance | Portfoliomanagement | portfolio management | Risikoverhalten | Präferenz | preference | Kontrolle |
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Experimental Design
- 3. Experimental Results
- 3.1 Preference for Control
- 3.2 The Effect of Preference for Control on Investment Behavior
- 3.3 The Effect of Comparative and Non-comparative Mindset
- 3.4 Further Results on the Influence of Comparative Mindset
- 4. Conclusion
Sense of control affects investment behavior
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