Studies on Trainers in Enterprises - Key actors to make lifelong learning a reality in Europe
Alternative title: | Betriebliches Bildungspersonal - Schlüsselakteure für die Umsetzung des lebenslangen Lernens in Europa |
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | European Commission / Directorate General for Education and Culture |
Subject: | berufliche Weiterbildung | advanced vocational education | Europa | Europe | lebenslanges Lernen | life-long learning | Lehrpersonal | teaching staff |
Eurotrainer - Making lifelong learning possible - Vol. 1, Final report
Eurotrainer - Making lifelong learning possible - Vol. 2, Country reports
Teacher education and the teaching career in an era of lifelong learning
Coolahan, John, (2002)
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Indicators on ICT in primary and secondary education
Key competences in Europe: Opening doors for lifelong learners
Gordon, Jean, (2009)
McCoshan, Andrew, (2008)
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