• Executive summary
  • Chapter 1: Background and existing data and analyses on reinsurers
  • Chapter 2: Setting up of global market statistics to enhance the transparency of the reinsurance industry
  • Chapter 3: Content of global reinsurance market statistics
  • Chapter 4: Risk-oriented public disclosure by reinsurance companies
  • Chapter 5: Areas for further work and concluding remarks
  • Appendices
  • 1. Task Force Re - Terms of reference
  • 2. Organisation of Task Force Re
  • 3. Organisational set up of the global reinsurance market statistics
  • 4. Financial reporting - major GAAP differences identified
  • 5. Proforma global statistical output tables
  • 6. Summary of regulatory capital requirements by participating jurisdictions
  • 7. Resilience testing by reinsurers
  • 8. Information on the level of current disclosure by reinsurers in participating jurisdictions
  • 9. Ongoing work relating to Enhancing Disclosure
  • 10. Key considerations for the design of risk-oriented disclosures
  • 11. Steering Group on Transparency in the Reinsurance Sector - Terms of reference
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