The effects of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) regulation on companie management and competitiveness
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Daddi, Tiberui ; De Giacomo, Maria Rosa ; Testa, Francesco ; Frey, Marco ; Iraldo, Fabio |
Published in: |
Business strategy and the environment. - Chichester : Wiley, ISSN 0964-4733, ZDB-ID 1127954-0. - Vol. 23.2014, 8, p. 520-533
Subject: | pollution prevention | environmental regulation | environmental policy | firm competitiveness | Umweltpolitik | Environmental policy | Regulierung | Regulation | Wettbewerb | Competition | Umweltmanagement | Environmental management | EU-Staaten | EU countries | Internationaler Wettbewerb | International competition | Umweltschutz | Environmental protection |
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