- 1. Introduction
- 2. Background
- 2.1. Topical background
- 2.2. The Community Research Programmes and Euro-Mediterranean trade (DG RTD)
- 2.3. The Policy Dimension and Research (DG AGRI)
- 2.4. Bridging Research and Policy (DG JRC)
- 2.5. Objectives of the Workshop
- 3. The Barcelona Process from different policy perspectives
- 3.1. External relations (DG RELEX)
- 3.2. Trade relations (DG TRADE)
- 3.3. Agricultural trade relations (DG AGRI)
- 4. Agricultural trade relations from a scientific viewpoint
- 4.1. Euro-Med Association Agreement - Regional Impacts in the EU - introductory note
- 4.2. Challenges in modelling agricultural trade liberalisation in the Euro-Mediterranean framework
- 4.3. Liberalisation in the Euro-Mediterranean zone: the need for a progressive approach
- 4.4. The Future of Agricultural Trade Preferences under the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements and theEU Import Regime for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
- 4.5. Will the use of flexibilities for “special products” necessarily dilute the potential “gains” todeveloping countries from further liberalisation of trade in agricultural products?
- 5. Presentation and discussion of projects
- 5.1. EU-MED Agpol: Impacts of Agricultural Trade Liberalisation between the EU and Mediterraneancountries
- 5.2. MEDFROL: Market and Trade Policies for Mediterranean Agriculture: The case of fruit/vegetablesand olive oil
- 5.3. TRADEAG: Agricultural Trade Agreements
- 5.4. ENARPRI: European Network of Agricultural and Rural Policy Research Institutes
- 6. General discussion and conclusions
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