- Foreword
- Preface
- 1. Rationale
- 2. Social Divides: Challenged cohesion in the New Member States
- 2.1 Bits and pieces of a definition
- 2.2 Income inequality and poverty
- 2.3 Employment, unemployment and poverty
- 2.4 Other challenges
- 2.5 Conclusion
- 3. Digital divides: ICT adoption in the New Member States
- 3.1 ICT adoption and GDP
- 3.2 ICT adoption and individual profiles
- 3.3 ICT skills and individual profiles
- 3.4 Conclusion
- 4. Social divides: Can ICT help?
- 4.1 Internet use and employability: some empirical evidence from CEEC
- 4.2 Conclusion
- 5. National social and digital divides: Match or mismatch?
- 5.1 Insights in Estonia: Unemployment and ICT use
- 5.2 Insights in Poland: Unemployment and ICT use
- 5.3 Insights in Hungary: Educational attainments and ICT use
- 5.4 Insights in Slovenia: Aged population and ICT use
- 6. Conclusions
- References
- Annex: Logistic regression analysis of unemployment
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