'The Influence of Alliances on Corporate Growth in the Post-Soviet Period: LUKoil and YUKOS
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Henderson, James ; Radošević, Slavo |
Institutions: | Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe <London> |
Subject: | Strategische Allianz | Leistungsmessung | Wachsstumsstrategie | Jukos | Yukos Oil company |
Extent: | 364544 bytes 29 p. application/pdf |
Series: | Working Paper ; No. 34 (2003) |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Classification: | Corporate growth, plant size and choice of location ; Management and organisation. Case studies ; Facility Location, Network Design ; Individual Working Papers, Preprints ; Russia |
Source: | USB Cologne (business full texts) |
Restructuring and growth of post-socialist enterprises through alliances : LUKoil and YUKOS
Henderson, James, (2004)
Adachi, Yuko, (2005)
Boor, Felix, (2015)
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Growth of Enterprises through Alliances in Central Europe
Radošević, Slavo, (2004)
Radošević, Slavo, (2002)
Radošević, Slavo, (2002)
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