- Contents
- 1 Executive Summary
- 1.1 Being a child in Europe today
- 1.2 Defining children’s rights
- 1.3 Protecting children’s rights
- 2 Objectives and Methodology
- 2.1 Background and objectives
- 2.2 Research design
- 3 Being a child in 2010
- 3.1 Advantages of being a child today
- 3.2 Disadvantages of being a child today
- 3.3 Influences in children’s lives
- 3.4 Children having their voices heard
- 4 Children’s Rights
- 4.1 The concept of human rights
- 4.2 Children’s specific rights
- 5 Help and Support
- 5.1 Current sources of support
- 5.2 Other sources of support
- 5.3 Preferred sources of support
- 5.3.1 Supporting initiatives for the young
- 5.3.2 Changing public attitudes and providing information
- 5.3.3 Engaging the young in decisions
- 5.3.4 Specific development programmes
- 5.3.5 Upholding and enforcing the law
- 5.4 Top priorities
- 5.5 Suggested support for vulnerable groups
- 5.5.1 Children subject to physical violence and sexual abuse
- 5.5.2 Children subject to bullying
- 5.5.3 Children living in poverty
- 5.5.4 Children living in institutions
- 5.5.5 Homeless children, those living on the street, and children with no official status
- 5.5.6 Children with special needs
- 5.5.7 Children from minority ethnic groups and immigrant families
- 5.5.8 Children from Roma, Sinti, Traveller Communities
- ANNEX – Discussion Guide
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