- Table of contents
- Acronyms
- Introduction
- Main outcomes on key questions
- Summary of contributions following the thematic structure of the JCP
- I. Shared principles and common interests (the 'what')
- i) Common global interests in a multipolar world (Q1-2)
- ii) Human rights, democracy and rule of law, as well as good governance (Q3-4)
- iii) Peace and security, fight against terrorism and organised crime (Q5-6)
- iv) Sustainable and inclusive economic growth (Q7-16)
- v) Human and social development (Q17-18)vi) Migration and mobility (Q19-20)
- II. Towards a more effective partnership (the 'how')
- i) A stronger political relationship (Q21-23)
- ii) Coherence of geographical scope (Q24-26)
- iii) Cooperation tailored more towards groups of countries with a similar development level (Q27-28)
- iv) Strengthen the relationship with key actors (Q29-33)
- v) Streamline the institutional set-up and functioning of the partnership (Q34-37)
- vi) Better adapted and more flexible development cooperation tools and methods (Q38-43)
- Overview of received contributions by country and category
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