Verzahnung des Risikocontrollings mit den traditionellen Controllingaktivitäten: Konzeptionelle Gestaltungsvorschläge und Status quo im deutschsprachigen Raum
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Weißenberger, Barbara E. ; Löhr, Benjamin |
Institutions: | Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft <Gießen> |
Subject: | Controlling | controlling | Risikomanagement | risk management | Empirische Forschung | empirical research |
Extent: | 400384 bytes 33 p. application/pdf |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | German |
Classification: | M40 - Accounting and Auditing. General ; Auditing and management control ; Individual Working Papers, Preprints ; Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Central Europe). General Resources |
Source: | USB Cologne (business full texts) |
Weißenberger, Barbara E., (2008)
Weißenberger, Barbara E., (2007)
Controlling in virtuellen Unternehmen-eine Studie-Teil 1: State of the art
Held, Bärbel, (2009)
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Weißenberger, Barbara E., (2007)
Weißenberger, Barbara E., (2003)
Weißenberger, Barbara E., (2003)
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