Win-win practices : building growth and competitiveness in european companies
This issue of Foundation Focus looks at win–win practices in European workplaces that help companies to grow and innovate, while also increasing their competitiveness. What does the European Company Survey tell us about workplace practices related to work organisation, human resources policies, employee participation and social dialogue? What are the links between work organisation and innovation and how do these impact on employers and employees? What role will the EU Youth Guarantee play in rebuilding Europe’s economy? What is being done at European level to improve active inclusion strategies? Why should employees be more involved in companies? What needs to be done to support the reconciliation of work and care? And what contribution can social dialogue make to company performance and innovation?
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions |
Published in: | |
Subject: | Arbeitsbedingungen | Working conditions | Innovation | Unternehmen | Enterprise | Wettbewerbsfähigkeit | competitive capacity |
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