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New and updated learning resources

The learning materials on EconBiz are constantly being updated and expanded. Our new infographic "How to choose a research topic" shows students how to find their topic in five steps. If they already have an idea for a topic, they can use the checklist to see if their research question is suitable for a term paper and manageable within the timeframe. We have also updated our PDF handouts "Search and evaluate sources" and "Citations and reference list", both under a CC BY license, making them easy to reuse on your website or in your courses.

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ZBW Coffee Lecture: BERD Academy

Big Data took the world by storm, Artificial Intelligence has become a hot topic across research disciplines. Working with these data can be a challenge. To unlock the potential of new data sources, the BERD Academy offers a wide range of trainings for researchers and research data providers.

In the ZBW Coffee Lecture on Open Science Education on January 29, 16:00 - 17:00 (CET), Markus Herklotz (BERD@NFDI) will present BERD Academy and discuss how educational content can unlock research potential and how open education can foster open science. Register now.

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You can find answers to frequently asked questions and many tips for your EconBiz search in our FAQ.

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Search for CC licenses

In EconBiz you can now search for publications with a Creative Commons license. Use the following search key: rights:CC*. In addition, you can search for publications with a specific CC license, e.g. rights:"CC BY 4.0", or combine searches for several licenses, e.g. rights:"CC BY 4.0" OR rights:"CC BY-SA 4.0"

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