Showing 1 - 10 of 13
C 1-го февраля 2015 г. экспорт пшеницы из России облагается дополнительным налогом с целью сократить объемы вывозимой за рубеж продукции. Это предпринято в рамках...
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Der Krieg in der Ukraine hat die seit zwei Jahren bestehende angespannte Versorgungslage auf den internationalen Agrarrohstoffmärkten nochmals verstärkt. Die Preise für Agrarrohstoffe, wie Getreide und Pflanzenöle, übersteigen schon seit Herbst 2021 die Hochpreisniveaus der Nahrungskrisen...
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The war in Ukraine has aggravated existing tensions on the agricultural commodities market. Since late 2021, prices for commodities such as grains and vegetable oils have reached record highs, surpassing even the levels of the global food price crises of more than a decade ago. Now, the invasion...
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Politicians and farm lobbyists frequently use the argument that agricultural policy is necessaryto safeguard jobs in agriculture. We explore whether this is true by conducting an econometricex-post evaluation of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the threeEast German...
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We analyze the effects of prior gain and loss experiences on individuals’ behavior in twocoordination games: battle of the sexes and simultaneous market entry. We proposesubjectively transformed games that integrate elements of prospect theory, aggregation ofprior and subsequent payoffs, and...
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Policies for rural areas have become an important but complex policy field in the EuropeanUnion`s Common Agricultural Policy. The purpose of this paper is to report on amethodological approach pursued to model the allocation of EAFRD (European AgriculturalFund for Rural Development) funds in...
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Among the family-farms in western Germany, significant regional differences are observable.They exist not only with respect to present farm-structure but also with respect to patterns ofstructural change. In the present paper, the different farm-development-strategies that causethese regional...
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This paper explains regionally differentiated patterns of structural change based on a theoreticalframework dealing with strategic interaction of farms on the land market. The main research questionfocuses on the causes of regionally persistent structures. An empirical Markov chain model is...
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