Showing 1 - 10 of 366
We estimate the effects of labor market entry conditions on wages for male individuals firstentering the Austrian labor market between 1978 and 2000. We find a large negative effect ofunfavorable entry conditions on starting wages as well as a sizeable negative long-run effect.Specifically, we...
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Using data on team assignment and weekly output for all weavers in an urban Chinese textilefirm between April 2003 and March 2004, this paper studies a) how randomly assignedteammates affect an individual worker’s behavior under a tournament-style incentive scheme,and b) how such effects...
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Many previous studies try to discover job preferences by directly asking individuals. Since itis not sure, whether answers to these surveys are relevant for actual behaviour, this empiricalexamination offers a new approach based on representative German data. Employees whoquit their job and find...
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We present evidence on social incentives in the workplace, namely on whether workers’ behavioris affected by the presence of those they are socially tied to, even in settings where thereare no externalities among workers due to either the production technology or the compensationscheme in...
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Owing to changes in the business environment, there has been a tremendous adoption of innovativeworkplace organisation (WO) and human resource (HR) practices during the last fewdecades. Assuming a holistic perspective on human resource management (HRM), the presentstudy establishes the...
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We examine how information technology (IT) contributes to organizational change,labor demand, and improved productivity in the public sector using a new paneldata set of police departments covering 1987-2003. While IT adoption is associatedwith increased administrative and organizational...
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This paper explores theoretically and empirically potentially important yet often-neglectedlinkage between task coordination within the organization and the structure of organizationand bundling of HRMPs (Human Resource Management Practices). In so doing, we alsoprovide fresh insights on the...
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This article puts the relationship between wage dispersion and firm productivity to an updatedtest, taking advantage of access to detailed Belgian linked employer-employee panel data.Controlling for simultaneity issues, time-invariant workplace characteristics and dynamics inthe adjustment...
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Denmark’s registry data provide accurate and complete career history data along withdetailed personal characteristics (e.g., education, gender, work experience, tenure andothers) for the population of Danish workers longitudinally. By using such data from 1992 to2002, we provide rigorous...
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We investigate the effects of works councils on employees’ wages and job satisfaction ingeneral and for subgroups with respect to sex and occupational status. Making use of aGerman representative sample of employees, we find that employees, who move to a firmwith a works council, report...
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