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Climate change mitigation and the transformation to a global low-carbon economy is a pressing issue in policy discussions and international negotiations. The political debate is supported by the scientific community with a large number of projections, pathway simulations and scenario analyses of...
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Die Entscheidung der Organisation erdölexportierender Länder (OPEC) im Herbst 2014, ihre Förderquote trotz des dramatischen Falls der Rohölpreise nicht zu senken, hat diese Gruppe wieder einmal ins Rampenlicht der öffentlichen Diskussion gerückt. Obwohl einige der wichtigsten...
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The recent decision by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) not to decrease their output quota in spite of a drastic decline of crude oil prices has brought renewed attention to this supplier group dominating the crude oil market. However, the empirical evidence that OPEC...
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In this paper, we discuss potential developments of the world natural gas industry at the horizon of 2030. We use the World Gas Model (WGM), a dynamic, strategic representation of world natural gas production, trade, and consumption between 2005 and 2030. We specify a "base case" which defines...
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We investigate the exertion of market power in the global crude oil market over the past years. Recognizing the difficulty of identifying market power in the crude oil market by empirical studies, we propose a numerical partial equilibrium model formulated as a mixed complementarity problem. Our...
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We discuss potential developments of the world natural gas industry through 2030. We use the World Gas Model (WGM), a multi-period strategic representation of the global natural gas sector, between 2005 and 2030. We specify a 'base case' and then analyse the sensitivity of the world natural gas...
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Trotz des starken Rückgangs der Rohölpreise seit dem Herbst 2008 ist das Preisniveau mit gegenwärtig rund 60 US-Dollar pro Fass immer noch deutlich höher als im langfristigen Durchschnitt. Die Marktmacht der Organisation erdölexportierender Länder (OPEC) ist nach wie vor sehr groß und...
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In spite of the sharp decline of crude oil prices since the fall of 2008, the current price level of approximately $65 per barrel is significantly higher than the long-term average. The market power of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which is partially responsible for...
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We propose a novel method to find Nash equilibria in games with binary decision variables by including compensation payments and incentive-compatibility constraints from non-cooperative game theory directly into an optimization framework in lieu of using first order conditions of a...
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This article proposes a two-stage oligopoly model for the crude oil market. In a game of several Stackelberg leaders, market power increases endogenously as the spare capacity of the competitive fringe goes down. This effect is due to the specific cost function characteristics of extractive...
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