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This paper discusses the effects of human capital on both the level and growth of labour productivity in manufacturing sectors in seven Member States of the European Union. Sectoral labour productivity is regarded as a measure of international competitiveness. Human capital is represented by the...
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1.1 UitgangspuntenHet Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) maakt in het kader van het Arbeidsmarktinformatiesysteem (AIS) iedere twee jaar middellange-termijnprognoses voor de arbeidsmarktperspectieven van opleidingen en beroepen. De laatste prognoses zijn terug te vinden in De...
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At the beginning of the nineteen-eighties, the Dutch economy was in a poor state.Successive oil crises had hit the industrial sector particularly hard. This promptedgovernment to set up an authoritative committee, led by former Shell presidentWagner. The committee was asked to advise on the...
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We analyze the employment effect of a law that provides for a 36 percent increasein the generosity of disability insurance (DI) for claimants who are, as a result oftheir lack of skills and of the labour market conditions they face, deemed unlikely tofind a job. The selection process for...
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In dit rapport is onderzocht hoe afstandsgevoelig jongeren in het voortgezet onderwijs (vmbo/havo) zijn bij de overgang naar het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (mbo) en welke invloed de ruimtelijke spreiding van mboopleidingen over opleidingslocaties heeft op de keuze voor één van de sectoren...
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De weergave van de methodiek in dit werkdocument heeft betrekking op het samenstellen van de arbeidsmarktinformatie over 32 bedrijfssectoren, 127 beroepsgroepen en 102 opleidingstypen, welke is gebruikt in het rapport De arbeidsmarkt naar opleiding en beroep tot 2014. Dit rapport is in november...
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This paper studies the impact of incentives on worker self-selection in a controlledlaboratory experiment. Subjects face the choice between a fixed and a variable paymentscheme. Depending on the treatment, the variable payment is a piece rate, a tournamentor a revenue-sharing scheme. We find...
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This paper proposes an assignment model where sorting occurs on attributes that aresimultaneously a skill (Sattinger, 1979) and a preference (Tinbergen, 1956). The keyfeature of this model is that the wage function admits both jobs’ and workers’ attributesas arguments. Since this function is...
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This paper analyses the determinants of an important component of well-beingamong individuals aged 50 years or older in eleven European countries: satisfactionwith social contacts. We use data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirementin Europe and anchoring vignettes to correct for...
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Using data on individuals of age 50 and older from 11 European countries, we analyzetwo economic aspects of subjective well-being of older Europeans: satisfaction withhousehold income, and job satisfaction. Both have been shown to contribute substantiallyto overall well-being (satisfaction with...
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