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This paper takes a critical look at the challenges and achievements in the reformof the Russian power industry. Russian politics emphasized restructuring and privatization,which are widely seen as preconditions for attracting private investment.However, progress along this line has been slow and...
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In this paper we analyze how a firm might protect quasi-rents in an environmentof imperfect capital markets, where switching lenders is costly to the borrower, andcontracts are incomplete. As switching costs make the firm vulnerable to ex-postexploitation, it may want to diversify lending in...
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This paper analyzes how agency problems in nancial contracting determine risk-taking andinvestment. In perfect capital markets a risk-neutral rm would invest until the expectedmarginal return equals the interest rate. However, as rms with little net-worth face agencycost in nancial contracting...
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This note analyses investment and risk-taking in a simple agency model of public regulation/procurement borrowed from Laffont & Tirole (1993). We show that the principal will overinvest or underinvest depending on whether investment is marginally more productive in bad or in good states. Due to...
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In monetary economics it is argued that due to agency cost in financial contracting a reduction of a firm's net worth will transmit into a decline of investment. This paper shows that the microeconomic foundation of this 'balance-sheet-channel' is dubious. Contrary to a common claim agency...
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In most industrialized countries electric power tariffs for residentialconsumption are higher than for industrial customers. In Russia, asin some other transition countries, this pattern is reversed, but at thesame time the overall level of tariffs is very low. Cross subsidization ofresidential...
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Ziel der Studie ist es, den Einfluß fiskalischer Rahmenbedingungen auf dierelative Vorteilhaftigkeit alternativer Formen der Kapitalanlage unter besondererBerücksichtigung von Wohnungsinvestitionen zu ermitteln. Auf einemKapitalmarkt in einer Welt ohne jegliche Staatseingriffe müßten die...
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The paper analysis rental contracts in a two-period model of thehousing market with uncertain 'outside option', accounting for non-contractible mobility-cost and consumption indivisibilities. The mainndings are: (i) Bilaterally ecient contracts set rents which are lessvolatile than market rents...
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...The first section takes a brief look at the history of rent controls. Initially mostmeasures were aimed at preventing landlords from reaping what was perceived tobe a ‘windfall profit’ resulting from some sort of unexpected emergency. It alsodemonstrates the diversity of rent control...
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