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Open source software is a collective term for different software licenses that give users access to the source code of the programs and thus allow them to develop the programs according to their needs. Because nobody can be excluded and because there is no rivalry in consumption, the open source...
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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie kommerzielle Unternehmen die Innovationskraft von Open Source Projekten nutzen können.Als Beispiele werden Red Hat und Netscape behandelt.
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Open source software production is a successful new production model in which a public good is voluntarily provided. We argue that by studying this new production model we gain valuable insightfor organization theory beyond software production.(...)
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This paper discusses the problems of social dilemmas arising if intangible firmspecific pool resources have to be supplied. The problem is not treated adequately in the dominant theories of the firm, transaction cost economics and the knowledge-based theory.(...)
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Open source is a term for software published under licence that does not give any property rights to the developers. Recently, attempts have been made to explain open source as the result of the collaboration of purely self-interested, utility-maximizingindividuals.(...)
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Open source software production is a highly successful innovation model. But it is, by far, not a singular case but rather one example of "virtual communities of innovation". The purpose of this paper is to inquire under which conditions the new innovation model might work in general...
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The theory of the firm is dominated by two approaches: transaction cost economics and the knowledge-based view. While these theories have extended our understanding about the existence of the firm, they have considerable weaknesses concerning the motivationalassumptions.(...)
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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Wechselwirkung zwischen sozialpsychologisch orientierten Konzepten und einer stärkeren Fundierung in der Mikroökonomik. Extrinsische (ökonomische) Anreize zerstören unterökonometrisch und experimentell nachgewiesenen Bedingungen die intrinsische...
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Employees are motivated intrinsically as well as extrinsically. Intrinsic motivation is crucial when tacit knowledge in and between teams must be transferred. Organizational forms enable different kinds of motivation and have different capacities to generate and transfer tacit knowledge.(...)
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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Übertragung von implizitem Wissen innerhalb von Teams und die damit verbundene intrinsische Motivation der Mitarbeitenden.Die Analyse nimmt die Gegenüberstellung des Transaktionskostenansatzes und des wissensbasierten Ansatzes zum Ausgangspunkt.
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