Showing 1 - 10 of 40
We show a standard model where the optimal tax reform is to cut labor taxes and leave capital taxes very high in the short and medium run. Only in the very long run would capital taxes be zero. Our model is a version of Chamley??s, with heterogeneous agents, without lump sum transfers, an upper...
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This paper examines the investment strategies of regulated companies in abatement technologies,market participants' trading behaviors, and the liquidity level in an inter-temporalcap{and{trade market using laboratory experiments. The experimental analysis is performedunder varying market...
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We explore the pricing of variance risk by decomposing stocks' total variance into systematicand idiosyncratic return variances. While systematic variance risk exhibits a negative priceof risk, common shocks to the variances of idiosyncratic returns carry a large positive riskpremium. This...
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During the last decade, a surprisingly high percentage of U.S. companies has fulfilled or beatenanalysts´ earnings per share forecasts. One of the most frequently cited reasons for this growingtendency is a change in the nature of U.S. executive compensation structure. As stock options...
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Markenführung war in der Bankbranche bis vor kurzem eine wenig berücksichtigteDomäne; erst seit wenigen Jahren haben sich Finanzinstitute – insbesondere im RetailBanking – aufgrund der zunehmenden Wettbewerbsverschärfung intensiver mitdem Thema Bankmarke auseinandergesetzt. Der Bankmarke...
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Das im "common law" verbreitete Rechtsinstitut des Trusts existiert im Schweizer Recht wie auch den anderen sich am römischen Recht orientierenden Rechtskreisen Kontinentaleuropas nicht. Trotzdem sind Trusts auch für Schweizer Banken und deren Kunden in der internationalen Vermögensverwaltung...
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