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The doctoral thesis of Louis Bachelier (1900) is widely considered as the seminal work inoption pricing theory. However, only a few years later, 1908, Vinzenz Bronzin, who wasa professor of actuarial science at the Accademia di Commercio e Nautica in Trieste,published a booklet (in German) on...
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Was seit 1973 als Durchbruch in der Optionspreistheorie gilt und im Jahre1997 mit dem Wirtschafts-Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet wurde, hat der sterreicherVinzenz Bronzin 65 Jahre frher – im Jahr 1908 – umfassender, einfacherverstndlich und notabene: auf deutsch in einer kurzen Monografie...
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In 1908, Vinzenz Bronzin, a professor of mathematics at the Accademia di Commercio e Nauticain Trieste, published a booklet in German entitled Theorie der Prämiengeschäfte (Theory ofPremium Contracts) which is an old type of option contract. Almost like Bachelierÿs now famousdissertation...
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This paper originates in an email sent by the second author wondering whether the first author knewabout Bronzin’s booklet on option pricing, dating back almost a century and containing formulas whichappear rather similar to those developed by Black-Scholes. The scepticism of the first author...
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