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Recently, several platforms for arranging credit mediation between borrowers and lenders without usage of a financial intermediary have emerged. Social lending has attracted the interest of researchers who analyzed the behavior of borrowers and lenders on these platforms. The authors examine the...
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The majority of RFID implementations can be traced back either to mandates issued by companies or institutions withsignificant market power like Wal-Mart or the U.S. Department of Defense, or to the replacement of existing Auto-IDtechnologies like barcodes. Only sporadically is RFID being used...
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Particle Swarm Optimization is a population based search strategy based on the idea of the simulation of bird flocks. In this paper we will introduce an application of the PSO to a management problem. The simulated stochastic 2-product-warehouse with the parameters order amount and safety stock...
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The number of scientific journals and thereby the number of published articles grew with an enormousrate in the last century (e.g. Price 1986; Henderson 2002). In the second half of the 20th century thesystem seemed to abut against its boundaries, because in relation to research budgets, library...
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Due to the widespread appearance of filesharing systemslike Napster, the peer-to-peer concept has recentlybecome well known. So far, these file-sharing systemshave been used for the exchange of digital goods. Werecommend a concept, based on that of the file-sharingsystem, for a decentralized...
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Due to decreasing hardware prices and growing standardization, RFID-systems (Radio FrequencyIdentification) are increasingly being used in global supply chains. In the beginning a simple identificationnumber was stored on the RFID tag, but meanwhile, there is a variety of applications storing...
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