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The polluter pays principle tells us that whoever is responsible for producing pollution is alsoresponsible for paying for the damage caused by the pollution (OECD, 1992). So anyone whoseactivities lead to the emission of a tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) should be taxed for the extradamage that...
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The future of U.S. transport energy requirements and emissions is uncertain. Transport policy research hasexplored a number of scenarios to better understand the future characteristics of U.S. light-duty vehicles.Deterministic scenario analysis is, however, unable to identify the impact of...
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Transport policy research seeks to predict and substantially reduce the future transport-related greenhouse gasemissions and fuel consumption to prevent negative climate change impacts and protect the environment.However, making such predictions is made difficult due to the uncertainties...
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A new version of the PAGE integrated assessment model, PAGE09, is introduced. The mostimportant scientific, impact, emission and adaptation inputs in the latest default version of themodel, PAGE09 v1.7 are described. The scientific and economic impact results are presented for abusiness as usual...
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The PAGE09 model is a greatly revised update of the PAGE2002 integrated assessment model ofclimate change. It calculates the impacts of climate change and the costs of abatement andadaptation policies under uncertainty for eight world regions and ten time periods...
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What would be the effect of CO2 pricing on global oil supply and demand? This paper introduces a model describing the interaction between conventional and non-conventional oil supply in a Hotelling framework and under CO2 constraints. The model assumes that non-conventional crude oil enters the...
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In recent years, the performance-based approach to contracting for medical services has been gaining popu-larity across different healthcare delivery systems, both in the US (under the name of "Pay-for-Performance",or P4P), and abroad ("Payment-by-Results", or PbR, in the UK). One common element...
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-hub center problem is an extension of the deterministicversion which aims to minimize the longest origin-destination path in a hub and spokenetwork. Considering the stochastic nature of travel times on links is important when designing anetwork to guarantee the quality of service measured by a...
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We study the single allocation hub covering problem, which is a special case of the general hub locationproblem. The hub covering problem is also an important extension to traditional network coveringproblems. Hubs are located at some nodes in the network and are used to facilitate –...
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Based on the observation of best practice and detailed case studies we observe thatcompanies have started to organise themselves in loosely coupled networks, similar to themediaeval ‘commons’, and which we call ecosystems. These are far less structured than jointventures, but have at the...
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