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Manski [13] proposed an approach for dealing with a particular form respondentuncertainty in discrete choice settings, particularly relevant in survey based researchwhen the uncertainty stems from the incomplete description of the choice scenarios.Specically, he suggests eliciting choice...
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Sometimes authorities are unable to identify rapidly the origin of a tainted product.In such cases, recalls or warnings often apply to all suppliers, even to those thathad not contributed to the contamination. Traceability enables more targetedrecalls by identifying more specically the product's...
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Universities spend almost $2 billion subsidizing their collegiate sports programs. Even the mostpopular women’s sport, basketball, fails to break even. An application of Becker’s theory ofcustomer discrimination is used to calculate the relative preference for men’s basketball for bothmen...
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A Bayesian variable selection procedure is used to control for uncertainty in thespecication of a recreational demand model. In contrast to comparing models basedon the likelihood values with unknown sampling properties (as in, e.g., Egan et al,2009), we propose a model that draws on the...
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A commonly observed feature of visitation data, elicited via a survey instrument, is a greaterpropensity for individuals to report trip numbers that are multiples of 5's, relative to otherpossible integers (such as 3 or 6). One explanation of this phenomenon is that some surveyrespondents have...
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Random Utility Maximization (RUM) models of recreation demand are typically plaguedby limited information on environmental and other attributes characterizing the available sitesin the choice set. To the extent that these unobserved site attributes are correlated with theobserved characteristics...
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