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We develop a stock return-predictive measure based on an efficient aggregation of the portfolio holdings of all actively managed U.S. domestic equity mutual funds, and use this model to study the source of fund managers' stock-selection abilities. This "generalized-inverse alpha" (GIA) approach...
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This paper shows that publicly disclosed mutual fund portfolio holdings have investment value. Our approach is based on the intuition that an overweighting by successful managers, or an underweighting by unsuccessful managers signals that a stock is currently underpriced. Investment strategies...
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We develop a stock return-predictive measure based on an efficient aggregation of the portfolio holdings of all actively managed U.S. domestic equity mutual funds, and use this model to study the source of fund managers' stock-selection abilities. This quot;generalized-inverse alphaquot; (GIA)...
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We develop a stock return-predictive measure based on an efficient aggregation of the portfolio holdings of all actively managed U.S. domestic equity mutual funds, and use this model to study the source of fund managers' stock-selection abilities. This generalized-inverse alpha (GIA) approach...
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Dieses Papier kommt zum Ergebnis, dass sich Informationen über die Veränderungder Portfoliobestände von Investmentfonds für den Investor auszahlen können, wenner zusätzlich die Qualität des Fondsmanagements in seine Analyse mit einbezieht.Auf der Basis von Portfoliobeständen offener...
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We develop a stock return-predictive measure based on an efficient aggregation of the portfolio holdings of all actively managed U.S. domestic equity mutual funds, and use this model to study the source of fund managers' stock-selection abilities. This generalized-inverse alpha (GIA) approach...
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