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O objetivo do artigo é apresentar algumas evidências empíricas do setor de confecções de vestuário e acessórios. Pretende-se analisar as estratégias utilizadas pelas empresas de Confecção do Brasil, para fazer frente às mudanças provocadas pela reestruturação produtiva após 1990....
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre crescimento econômico e a pobreza para as microrregiões do estado de Alagoas, utilizando dados do Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano para os anos 1991 e 2000. Buscou-se analisar em que medida o crescimento econômico tem se revelado...
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The objective of this work is to analyze the Arte Rio Cooperative’s decision making process to assess how far it comprehends itsmembers’ cooperative production system, i.e. if there is a logic governing the process that is different from utilitarian economics. Itwas inferred that the logic...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo a realização dos testes de hipóteses de convergênciaabsoluta, condicional e sigma convergência, das taxas de crescimento per capita daagropecuária dos Estados brasileiros, ao longo do período de 1980 a 2004. Esses modelosforam testados contemplando a...
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Qualquer pessoa física ou jurídica, antes de fazer um investimento produtivo, precisa empregar técnicas de análise econômico-financeira, que o auxiliem a decidir onde empregar seus recursos financeiros, de forma a verificar a viabilidade de cada alternativa de investimento. Neste sentido,...
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The growth of the world’s organic food market in the last ten years has been raising the demand for studies related to this theme.Supermarkets have been proving themselves relevant actors in the distribution of these products in Brazil and in the external market.This paper aims to describe the...
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The Brazilian poultry chain has been intensely restructured during the last few years to remain competitive in the internal and externalmarkets. Analysis of all the chain levels indicates that the processing segment is characterized by an intense innovation process, inboth its product and its...
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The study verifies, between march 2005 and march 2006, if there is any difference between the stock yields of a sample of companieslisted in Bovespa that adopt the principles of Corporate Governance, in different levels, in relation to the companies of the traditionalmarket. The data were...
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The analysis and measurement of production and transaction costs is an important tool in guiding decisions and in comprehendingthe behavior of the agents in a particular institutional environment. Although production costs have been widely studied in theliterature, transaction costs have not...
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Measurement Cost Theory (MCT) and Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) are both theoretical frameworks applied to the studyof economic transactions. In the MCT, the attributes’ measurability is a key variable for identifying efficient modes of governance.The application of MCT to agri systems...
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