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The current landscape of Global History literature appears dominated by a rather asymmetrical dichotomy between Eurocentric analyses of the cumulative emergence of the West and global history which reduces the significance of this transition by blending it into very long-term perspectives. This...
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Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der außenpolitischen Performanz der EU und stützt sich dabei auf drei verschiedene Betrachtungsweisen: den Realismus und die Theorien der EU als imperiale bzw. der EU als normative Macht. Mit Hilfe eines auf Basis dieser drei Theorien entwickelten...
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Die Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (GASP)und die Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik(ESVP) gehören heute zu den dynamischsten undmeist diskutierten Politikbereichen der EuropäischenUnion (EU). Laut Javier Solana, dem Hohen Vertreterder GASP, bildet die ESVP das...
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The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) andthe European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) aretoday among the most dynamic and most frequentlydiscussed policy topics within the EuropeanUnion. Developing a European profile in foreign andsecurity policy has become one of the key...
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Three step process: Each valuation process can - independent of its economic or ecological focus - be subdivided into three stages: The selection of the target object, the determination of the effects to be analyzed and, last but not least, the monetary or non-monetary valuation of these...
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At present Germany experiences a shake-up of the hospital industry, following the introduction of a DRG-based hospital budgeting system. Hospital owners re-evaluate their assets and adapt their strategies to the new regulatory environment. Benchmarking studies play a vital role in assessing own...
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Estimates of the marginal product of capital can help forecast economic growth, test competing businesscycle theories, and perform cost-benefit analysis. This paper presents annual and quarterly estimatesof the marginal product of capital in the U.S. separately for the residential and...
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Überall auf der Welt haben Regierungen Pläne für ultra-schnelle nationale Breitbandnetzeangekündigt. Netzbetreiber, insbesondere Incumbents, scheinen dagegen wenigerbegeistert über groß angelegte Investitionsprogramme in Glasfasernetze zu sein.Wenn sie investieren, scheinen sie mehr auf...
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In many countries environmental policies and regulations are implemented to improveenvironmental quality and thus individuals’ well-being. However, how do individuals valuethe environment? In this paper, we review the Life Satisfaction Approach (LSA) representinga new non-market valuation...
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We run a computerised experiment of network formation where allconnections are bene…cial and only direct links are costly. Players simul-taneously submit link proposals; a connection is made only when bothplayers involved agree. We use both simulated and experimentally gen-erated data to test...
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