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This paper investigates the role that idiosyncratic uncertainty plays in shaping social preferences over the degree of labor market flexibility, in a general equilibrium model of dynamic labor demand where the productivity of firms evolves over time as a Geometric Brownian motion...
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This paper analyzes the effect of firing costs on aggregate productivity growth. For thispurpose, a model of endogenous growth through selection and imitation is developed. It isconsistent with recent evidence on firm dynamics and on the importance of reallocation forproductivity growth...
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This paper analyzes the effect of Product Market Regulation (PMR) on unemployment in asearch model with heterogeneous multiple-worker firms. In our setup, PMR modifies thedistribution of firm productivities, thereby affecting the equilibrium rate of unemployment...
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In a perfect labor market severance payments can have no real effects as they can beundone by a properly designed labor contract (Lazear 1990). We give empirical content tothis proposition by estimating the effects of EPL on entry wages and on the tenure-wageprofile in a quasi-experimental...
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This paper empirically establishes the effect of the employer's term of notice on the wage level of employees. The term of notice is defined as the period an employer has to notify workers in advance of their up-coming dismissal. The wages paid during this period are an important element of...
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We estimate wage and job tenure functions that include individual and firm effects capturingtime-invariant unobserved worker and firm heterogeneity using German linked employeremployeedata (LIAB data set)...
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Many previous studies try to discover job preferences by directly asking individuals. Since itis not sure, whether answers to these surveys are relevant for actual behaviour, this empiricalexamination offers a new approach based on representative German data. Employees whoquit their job and find...
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How much do developing countries benefit from foreign investment? We contribute to this question by comparing the employment and wage practices of foreign and domestic firms in Brazil, using detailed matched firm-worker panel data...
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Using a linked employer-employee dataset and taking the perspective of individuals rather than firms, this paper analyzes some effects of joining start-ups. We show that entrants in new firms differ from those joining incumbent firms, and we use a matching approach to compare a group of...
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Labor markets in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe underwent adramatic transformation. Notably, this transformation took place within just a few years. Untilthe mid-2000s job opportunities were scarce and unemployment was high. But since thenlabor demand has picked up and...
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