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We explore responses of Australian school principals to the introduction of test score reporting via the My School website in 2010. Our analysis is motivated by the implicit assumption that heightened public scrutiny should motivate principals to align schools' policies and practices with what...
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We explore responses of Australian school principals to the introduction of test score reporting via the My School website in 2010. Our analysis is motivated by the implicit assumption that heightened public scrutiny should motivate principals to align schools' policies and practices with what...
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We use a national Brazilian test (SAEB) and an international test (PISA) to measure whether Brazilian students 13-15 years old improved their mathematics and language learning in1995-2012. We control for part of out-of-school influences by comparing test scores for students with similar family...
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China has made impressive strides in education in recent decades, even though the accumulation of human capital has lagged behind that of physical capital. Going forward, access to and quality of education will be key to sustain economic convergence with the most advanced economies and to offset...
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Biliyin əhəmiyyəti artdıqca ona olan tələb də artır. Müasir dövrdə elm və texnologiyanın sürətli inkişafı çox məlumatlı insan resurslarına olan ehtiyacı da artırmışdır. Bunun nəticəsində insanların istər fərdi formalaşmalarını təmin etmək, istərsə də...
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In 2016, Maryland's educational freedom ranking rose to 46th place—above New York, Hawaii, California, and New Jersey—from 50th in the Cato Institute's Freedom in the 50 States index. The improvement was due to the state's adoption of the Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students...
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The current system of healthcare licensure contributes to the high cost of and impaired access to medical care. Politics plays a perverse role in maintaining the status quo and prevents the healthcare workforce from adapting to the evolving needs and rapid technological advances of the 21st...
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Children are not widgets. What works well for one may not work for another. That is why education is not a one‐​size‐​fits‐​all endeavor. When looking at preschool or K–12 education, having a diversity of options is essential
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The People pillar of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development focuses on quality of life in all its dimensions, and emphasises the international community’s commitment to ensuring all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity, equality and good health. Thailand’s path from a...
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Over the past decade, Pakistan has seen the rapid growth of a third sector in education: shadow education. According to the Annual Survey of Education Report (2013), 34 percent of private school students and 17 percent of public school students undertake private tuition in Punjab. Anecdotal...
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