Attractive workplace for all: a contribution to the Lisbon strategy at company level - National report for France
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Teissier, Christophe ; Triomphe, Claude-Emmanuel |
Publisher: |
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions |
Subject: | Unternehmen | Enterprise | Unternehmensbewertung | Company Valuation | Arbeitsbedingungen | working conditions | Arbeitsplatz | job |
Berde, Éva, (2007)
Blaienė, Inga, (2007)
Stupnytskyy, Oleksandr, (2007)
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Social dialogue in times of global economic crisis
Guyet, Rachel, (2012)
Le liberalisme mondial face au social - Le point de vue d'un inspecteur du travail
Triomphe, Claude-Emmanuel, (1997)
Social dialogue in times of global economic crisis
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