• Introduction
  • Executive summary
  • 1 Profile of respondents
  • 2 EU citizenship – The right to free movement
  • 2.1 Experience of moving within the EU (Q1)
  • 2.2 Experience of living in another EU country (Q2)
  • 2.3 Problems encountered while moving and residing within the EU (Q3)
  • 2.4 Experience of discrimination on grounds of nationality in another EU country (Q4)
  • 2.5 The impact of free movement of EU citizens (Q5)
  • 3 EU citizenship – Citizens as private individuals
  • 3.1 Problems with child custody in another EU country (Q14)
  • 3.2 Fair trial of citizens accused of a crime in the EU (Q15)
  • 3.3 Financial compensation to victims of crime in the EU (Q16)
  • 4 EU citizenship – Citizens as consumers
  • 4.1 Problems encountered when buying online in another EU country (Q11)
  • 4.2 Problems encountered when opening a bank account in another EU country (Q12)
  • 4.3 Problems encountered when buying property in another EU country (Q13)
  • 5 EU citizenship – Citizens as students and professionals
  • 5.1 Studying in another EU country
  • 5.1.1 Experience of studying in another EU country (Q6)
  • 5.1.2 The impact of student mobility (Q7)
  • 5.2 Working in another EU country
  • 5.2.1 Experience of looking for a job in another EU country (Q10)
  • 5.2.2 Obstacles to working in another country (Q8)
  • 5.2.3 Difficulties when trying to work in the public sector in another EU country (Q9)
  • 6 EU citizenship – Citizens as political actors
  • 6.1 Making one's voice heard in the EU (Q17)
  • 6.2 Voting in European Parliament elections (Q18)
  • 6.3 Voting rights and political participation (Q19)
  • 6.4 Discrimination on grounds of nationality when exercising political rights (Q20)
  • 7 Discrimination on grounds of nationality when exercising your rights as an EUcitizen (Q21)
  • 8 Awareness of sources of information on EU rights and assistance to EU citizens
  • 8.1 Information about EU rights (Q22)
  • 8.2 Enforcement of EU rights (Q23)
  • 9 Defining EU citizenship and envisaging the future of the EU
  • 9.1 The meanin
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