Evaluation of the SOC strategy : 2008-2010
In 2008, the SOC Bureau decided to set out a relatively comprehensive strategy for the work of the SOC Section during the 2008-2010 mandate. The purpose of this strategy was to a) structure the work of the Section in order to make it more forceful and find priorities for actions and own-initiative opinions, b) help the Section President, the bureau and the secretariat carry out their duties, c) make the work of the SOC Section more visible within the Committee, d) bring the work of the SOC Section to the attention of citizens in the Member States, e) highlight the role of the SOC Section in relation to the Commission, the Council (including the presidencies) and the European Parliament, f) commit members of the SOC Bureau and the SOC Section to the work of the Section, g) pinpoint ways of creating synergy between the SOC Section and other EESC Sections and Observatories through cooperation, and h) strengthen cooperation between the SOC Section and other EU bodies (Eurofound, Cedefop etc.) and other international organisations such as the ILO.(...)
Alternative title: | Évaluation del la stratégie 2008-2010 de la SOC |
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | Europäischer WIrtschafts- und Sozialausschuss |
Subject: | Projektbewertung | Project evaluation | Sozialpolitik | Social Policy | Wirtschaftspolitik | Economic policy |
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Extent: | 21 Seiten p. 20 Seiten p. application/pdf |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English ; French |
Classification: | Europapolitik, Europäische Union ; European Community committees ; Individual Reports, Studies ; Europe. General Resources |
Source: |
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10010249561
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