- List of Abbreviations
- Executive Summary
- 1 Objectives and scope of the meta evaluation
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Summary methodology
- 1.3 Methodological challenges
- 1.4 Contributory evaluations
- 1.5 Policy context
- 1.6 Structure of this report
- 2 Findings by assessment criteria
- 2.1 Overall findings of the evaluations
- 2.2 EQ1: To which extent are interventions financed under IPA efficient in terms of value-for-money when delivering outputs and immediate results?
- 2.3 EQ2: To which extent are interventions financed under IPA effective in delivering outputs and immediate results?
- 2.4 EQ3: Are the outputs and immediate results delivered by IPA translated into the desired/expected impacts, namely in terms of achieving the strategic objectives/priorities linked to accession preparation? Are/can impacts be sufficiently identified/quantified?
- 2.5 EQ4: Are there any additional impacts (both positive and negative)?
- 2.6 EQ5: Are the identified impacts sustainable (or likely to be sustainable)?
- 2.7 EQ6: Are there any elements which (could) hamper the impact and/or sustainability of assistance?
- 3 Horizontal findings
- Annexes
- Annex 1. Approach and methodology
- Annex 2. Findings from other evaluations
- Annex 3 Tabulation framework
- Annex 4 Methodological comparison of evaluations
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